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How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation “You have received without paying, so give withou...

Thursday, December 19, 2024

A Christmas Message, 2024

A Christmas Message, 2024

Jesus said to love your Creator, to love other people, and to love yourself.

Matthew 22:37-40

Last Minute Christmas Presents

Anything, you no longer want, such as books, still in new condition, can be given away as Christmas presents.

Christmas Dinner

If you are Vegetarian, slices of cheese, or firm tofu, can replace animal flesh.

Jesus, would never had met a turkey, anyway.

Love Your Creator, Love Other People, Love Yourself

Love your Creator, and you will never be alone, you will never without a spiritual friend.

Love other people, with a friendship, where you not impose yourself on other people, nor let other people impose themselves on you.

Love yourself, so you do not become a used and abused doormat.

How Much Better, The World Be, If We All Did That?

How much happier, you would be, with a spiritual friendship with your Creator.

How much healthier, you would be, without junk-food, without a rapacious junk-food industry; and, without poverty caused by conflict.

How much wealthier, you would be, without debt, without a predatory military-industrial complex, which President Eisenhower warned about; and, without the destruction of man-made wars.

Peace Through Strength

The solution for wars, is Peace Through Strength.

It was President Trump's, Peace Through Strength, that kept relative peace in Ukraine.

It was President Trump’s, Abraham Accords, that were bringing peace to The Middle East.

It was President Biden’s, weakness, that led to wars in The Middle East.

It was President Biden’s, weakness, that led to Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.


The solution for refugees, is not to start wars.


It was President Bush’s oil thieves, that led to oil-wars, in The Middle East, that led to millions of refugees.

It was President Bush’s, Vice President Cheney’s military-industrial complex, that led to for-profit wars, in The Middle East, that led to millions of refugees.

And, it was Hilary Clinton’s regime-change wars, that led to millions of refugees.

President Trump

Perhaps, incoming President Trump, who in his previous Presidency was the first US President, since President Carter, not to start a war, can bring peace to The Middle East and Ukraine.

Perhaps, incoming President Trump, can keep the warmongers out.


Inflation is a flat-tax rate on the poor.

Perhaps, incoming President Trump, who in his previous Presidency had a cumulative inflation rate of 7%, compared to Biden’s more than 20%, can reduce inflation, bring about an increase in real wages, and so reduce poverty.


Selectively imposing tariffs, does not necessarily increase prices, since importers can import from other countries.

Selectively imposing tariffs, can also lead to more local production and jobs.

Saving Money

See my Blog post.

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality: Food, Clothes, Shoes, Housing, And Other Necessities


Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Vegetarian Information Center PDFs

Including my "Vegetarian Information Center Collected Pamphlets".

“Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Sunday, December 15, 2024

How To Be A Happy LGBTIQA+ Christian

 How To Be A Happy LGBTIQA+ Christian

Jesus said, love your Creator, love other people, love yourself.

Matthew 22:27-40

Transgender People Naturally Exist

Being Transgender is not a delusional mental illness.

Some people really are Transgender.

A 52-yr-old feminine looking XY chromosome woman had two babies.

She breastfed her XY daughter for 1 year.

Without anyone, including both the mother and her adult daughter, knowing they were both XY.


Transgenders have Female Brains In Male Bodies.


Or, Male Brains in Female Bodies.



But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Matthew 15:9

Jesus never said there is anything wrong with being LGBTIQA+

Neither should you.

Except for eunuchs and asexuals, whom Jesus mentioned favourably, Jesus never even mentioned LGBTIQA+ people.

Why should you?

The Lord’s Prayer

“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

Matthew 6:12

Jesus condemned judgemental people.

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6:14-15

So why are so many people, who call themselves Christians, so judgemental about LGBTIQA+ people?

Jesus Said That The Old Testament Law No Longer Applies

If people, who call themselves Christians, try to use the Old Testament Law and Prophets, against you.

Jesus said.

The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.

Luke 16:16-17

Jesus made, any Old Testament Black Letter Laws, including any laws against LGBTIQA+ people, redundant.

That is, Jesus replaced the Old Testament Black Letter Law with your Creator’s Law, which is Love your Creator, Love other people, Love yourself.

Where you are saved by Grace, through Jesus, and not by keeping the Commandments of Men.

Why did Jesus even bother coming, if you are still trying to be saved by keeping Old Testament Black Letter Law.

Instead of by your Creator’s Grace through Jesus.

“I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.”

Galatians, 2:21

Old Testament Black Letter Law, which even Paul wrote is impossible to keep.

So, if anyone tries to use Old Testament Black Letter Law against you, tell them that both Jesus and Paul said, that the Old Testament Black Letter Law is redundant.


Judgemental people, who call themselves Christians, who condemn LGBTIQA+ people, often quote Paul, and the Redundant Old Testament, but rarely Jesus.

Paul who wrote in his first letter to the Corinthians,

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Interesting that when people, quote this, that the thieves, adulterers, drunkards, and revilers, never seem to mind.

It is only the effeminate and homosexuals who object.

A Reply To Paul’s Opinion

If people, who call themselves Christians, try to use Paul’s, “neither ... effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, ... nor revilers, ... shall inherit the kingdom of God”, against you.

I have found the best reply is to ask, “Is revilers in there?”

In some translations it says, slanderers.

Then to ask, “And do poofter-bashers revile the effeminate and homosexuals?”

Followed by, “It looks like you will be going to hell with the poofters!”

Sometimes, they laugh.

Other-times, they look stunned.

Paul also wrote that you cannot be saved by keeping Old Testament Law.

And, even though Jesus regarded adultery as a major sin, Jesus saved a women from being stoned to death for adultery, and then merely told her not to do it again.

“Well then,” Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go, but do not sin again.”

John 8:11

Of course, being Transgender is not a sin.

You are born Transgender.

So, I do not think Jesus would be any more judgemental, with effeminate and homosexuals, who he did not mention, than with adultery, which he did mention as a major sin.

My interpretation of Jesus, and Paul, is that Jesus does not mind if you are LGBTIQA+; and, if Paul does, then that is just Paul’s opinion.

And, if anyone, in The Bible, disagrees with Jesus, then Jesus is right and they are wrong.

Some of Paul’s opinions are very good, such as condemning circumcision, and the futility of trying to be saved by keeping Old Testament Black Letter Law, and not by your Creator’s Grace, through Jesus.

Others, not so good, such as men with long hair.

Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

1 Corinthians 11:13-15

It is obvious to me, if not to Paul, that long hair grows as naturally for men as for women.

And, there is no reason for women to wear veils anywhere.

Since if her hair is a covering, why does she need a veil as a covering?


Clothes and Toilets.

Whatever people might think, you cannot pick LGBTIQA+ people on looks.

Not, even other LGBTIQA+ people, can do that.

Except, of course Transgenders, who can be conspicuous by their clothes.

In the Western World, since the 1960’s, Unisex style dressing has become fashionable for both women and men.

So, male to female Transgenders, who present as male, can still wear women’s clothes in public, by wearing women's jeans and women's sweaters, in plain styles, so people just assume they are wearing men’s clothes.

Transgenders, can also use single user or unisex public toilets.

Are You Really Transgender

Most people, especially children, who think they are Transgender, are not really Transgender.

They are just children going through a phase.

Boys who enjoy stereotypical girl’s things.

Or, girls who enjoy stereotypical boy’s things.

And, so should just get on with their lives, just the way they are.

Not, become life-time victims of the Medical-Industrial Complex.

Not, have their breasts or penises removed.

And, then a few years later, want them back!

Transgenders Can Be Better Off Without Hormones And Surgery

Enjoying the best of both worlds.

When your brain does not match your body, the Medical-Industrial Complex wants to change your body; the anti-trans activists want to change your brain.

Whereas, you are better off by keeping your body, and your brain, the way they both are.

The way your Creator created you.

Getting the best of both worlds.

A woman, in a man’s body, enjoying being a woman, in private, without ever getting PMS or going through years of menopause.

While getting the respect a man gets in public.

A man, in a woman’s body, who, in the Western World, can do anything a man, in man’s body, can do anyway.

Be happy, with the way your Creator created you.

Maybe, you were created Transgender, to be a bridge of understanding between women and men, to make life better for everyone.

7 Steps To Become A Happy LGBTIQA+ Christian

1: First of all, sort out in your own mind, that there is nothing wrong with being LGBTIQA+, and so get over any guilt, shame, or embarrassment.

2: Jesus never said there was anything wrong with being LGBTIQA+

So, why should you, or anyone else.

3: Paul condemned, effeminate and homosexuals, along with thieves, revilers, and drunkards.

But, that is only Paul’s opinion.

And, since Jesus was accused of being a drunkard himself; and, all Jesus said to an adulteress was, don’t do it again, Jesus is not likely to be too judgemental with you.

You could also point out, that if they revile you, they will end up in hell with you!

4: Be considerate of other people.

Live and let live.

If you are a male to female Transgender, who looks like a man, do not gatecrash women’s spaces and women's sports.

Be considerate.

Use unisex or single user toilets.

Compete in men’s or mixed sporting events.

Do not compete in women’s only events, where your male body gives you an unfair advantage.

5: Get on with your life.

That’s it.

Do not let being LGBTIQA+ define you.

Do not let other people define you.

Accept that not everyone is going to agree with you.

After all, do you agree with everyone else?

Accept that not everyone is going to like you.

After all, do you like everyone else?

Do not waste your time, trying to change yourself, to please people, who do not like you, anyway.

Find people who do.

Be yourself,


Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality