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How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation

How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation “You have received without paying, so give withou...

Monday, December 19, 2022

How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation

How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation

“You have received without paying,
so give without being paid.”

Matthew 10:8

You can Download the PDF from:

Jesus healed a lot of people, of physical and psychological illnesses, by using scientifically valid methods.

Such as:

1: the faith [placebo] effect;

2: the healing touch;

3: therapeutic massage;

4: simple remedies like poultices;

5: prayer and fasting.

And, Jesus wanted everyone, not just Christians, to use his healing methods.

People Who Are Not Christians

Jesus wanted other people, who were not his disciples, to be healed and to heal people.

Even to use his name to do it.

John spoke up, "Master, we saw a man driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop, because he doesn't belong to our group."
Luke 9:49

"Do not try to stop him," Jesus said to him and to the other disciples, "because whoever is not against you is for you."
Luke 9:50

A Scientific Explanation Of The Healing Miracles Of Jesus

Jesus first used the placebo effect.

Or, a simple remedy like the healing touch, massage, poultices.

And, if that did not work, then prayer and fasting.

The Placebo Faith Effect

If people are healed by their faith in a dummy, medical drug, then how much more so by their faith in a deity.

The Healing Touch

In the healing touch there is a transfer of energy.

"All the people tried to touch him, for the power was going out from him and healing them all."
Luke 6:19. See also Luke 9:43-4


The disciples, "rubbed olive-oil on many sick people and healed them."
Mark 6:13.

When The Placebo Effect Does Not Work

Prayer And Fasting

Jesus said, "there is no way of casting out such spirits as this except by prayer and fasting."
Matthew 17:21

Prayer to calm the soul.

Fasting to purify the body.

Prayer calms the soul and reduces stress which causes or makes diseases worse.

Fasting purifies the body of the toxins that cause most chronic and acute disease.

Deficiencies are the other major cause of disease.

Fasting cleans cholesterol out of your arteries, uric acid out of your arthritic joints, ...

Fasting also dulls pain.

And, prayer and fasting, like the placebo effect, works on everyone including atheists.

Warning - Before Fasting

Fasting could do you more harm than good.

People with diseases, such as diabetes, should be extremely careful, and seek advice from appropriate people.

If you have never fasted before, you could start off by skipping breakfast.

Then have some days when you only eat once.

That is 24 hour fasts.

Eventually, you could try a 2 or 3 day fast, once per month.

There is no need to do fasts any longer or any more often.

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

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