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How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation

How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation “You have received without paying, so give withou...

Friday, June 23, 2023

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality: Food, Clothes, Shoes, Housing, And Other Necessities

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality: Food, Clothes, Shoes, Housing, And Other Necessities

NOTE: I Am Giving My Personal Opinion.
Nothing, I Write, Is To Be Taken As Financial Advice.
Or, As A Substitute For Financial Advice.

Saving money does not mean being a cheapskate and always buying the cheapest.

Think of the quality and the overall lifetime cost of the product.
Better quality clothes and shoes, you pay twice as much for, can last 4 times as long; and, you are wearing better clothes and shoes.

With both rising interest rates, and rising inflation, more and more people are feeling financial stress.
It certainly did not help, when people were told in 2022, that interest rates would not rise until 2024, and any inflation would only be temporary.

More debt = higher interest rates.
I do not think that Governments can borrow 1 trillion dollars, in an economy the size of Australia’s, and not cause a rise in interest rates.
Fortunately, the more astute, used that money to invest or to pay off their personal debt.

More money, fewer goods = inflation.
I do not think that Governments can use a lot of that money, to pay a lot of productive people to stay home and not produce anything, and not cause inflation.

So, now, the politicians have caused your problems, what can you do?

Increase Income Or Reduce Expenditure?

Income is taxed.
Money saved is tax-free.
$100 saved could be equivalent to a $200 increase in income.

What Are Your Necessities?


Good food is very important for your health.
Keeping healthy is a very important part of saving money; and, so lowering your cost of living.
Do not skimp on food.

For a healthy diet, I include:

1: fresh raw fruit;
2: fresh, raw or lightly cooked in water, vegetables, including some green vegetables;
3: fresh, raw nuts or peanuts;
4: some animal-products, such as low-fat Cow’s milk.

I buy quality, at a reasonable price.

Asian Grocery Shops, can be much cheaper.
For fruit, vegetables, nuts, peanuts, other seeds, seaweed, herbs and spices.

Indian Grocery Shops, can be much cheaper.
For Cow’s milk yoghurt in 5 kg containers, nuts, peanuts, other seeds, wholemeal flour in 5kg and 10 kg bags, herbs and spices.

Markets, can be much cheaper.
Especially, during the last hour before closing time.
For fruit, vegetables, nuts, peanuts, other seeds, herbs, spices.
Even cheaper in 10 kg and 20 kg boxes and bags.

Look for Specials and Home Brands.

Instead Of Takeaway Food

Quicker and healthier to have some raw fruit or vegetables; with some nuts, peanuts, Cow’s milk or yoghurt.


Buy quality clothes that are comfortable; durable; you will enjoy wearing; and, will not go out of fashion.

I like natural fibres.
Such as Sheep’s wool, cotton, bamboo.
As well as, viscose, rayon, and some others, that are made from the cellulose in wood-chips.

Any time, on entering a shop.
First, look at the discount section.

Also, buy Winter clothes at Summer Sales.
Summer clothes at Winter Sales.

End of season sales.
End of financial year sales.


Similar to clothes.
Buy quality shoes that are comfortable; durable; you will enjoy wearing; and, will not go out of fashion.

Shoes, you pay twice as much for, can last 4 times as long.
And, you are wearing better quality shoes.

I like black shoes with black soles as they do not show the dirt.

On entering a shop.
First, look at the discount section.


Anything you bought, and find you do not want, can be kept in new condition, in the original packaging, and used as presents.


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Walking, running.

Public Transport.
Live near safe, reliable, fast, frequent, public transport, like a train station.

Internet and Telephone

I use prepaid.
More expensive but no bill-shock.

Computer Software

I use FOSS, [Free Open Source Software], for everything.
Including Word Processing, writing ebooks and PDFs, doing spreadsheets, editing photos, internet ...

I use the Ubuntu Operating System, which is free from: https://ubuntu.com

Ubuntu comes with all the free software, you might ever need, already installed.
Such as Free Security, LibreOffice, Firefox Web Browser, ...

I just add GIMP Graphics and Foliate Ebook Reader.

All you need to do is, click on Software Updater, every time you connect to the internet.
And, Software Updater will update everything, including your security. operating system, and programs.

Instead Of Gambling

Casinos and Betting Agencies set the odds so they win and you lose.

Sometimes, you can win at gambling.
But, overall, you will lose more than you win.

If you are addicted.
Install a computer program and lose your money to yourself.
FOSS, free open source, of course.

Play 500 or Bridge, for the skill.
Instead of Poker, for the gambling.

Instead Of Smoking, Alcohol, Other Drugs

Do you really need them?
Best not to start.

If you are addicted.
Change your world-view from that of an addict to that of a non-addict.
There are other ways to get high, happy, or to distract yourself.

Instead Of Gym

Make some weights to use at home.

Do some balance exercises, such as standing on one foot, while putting on and taking off, your shoes and socks.
And, some flexibility exercises.

A Place To Live

Go home to your parents.
Share a house or apartment.

Become a housekeeper, but do not let anyone exploit you.
Value your time versus what you are getting.

For example:
Housework, $30 per hour.
Share house, $250 per week.

Make a deal.
Like sharing a house.
But, for example, you keep the house clean and tidy, the garden neat and tidy, in return for a free room.

Householder, gets 6 hours housework and gardening, for $20 per week for your extra water and electricity.
You, save $250 per week, on sharing a house, for 6 hours of your time.
But, be very careful, who you get.

A Note For People With Credit Cards

Every dollar, you spend on interest; is 1 less dollar, you can spend on what you want.

I Do Not Have Any Credit Cards

I have Debit Cards.
For security on the internet, I have a separate Debit Card, to pay for things, such as URLs, on the internet. I only keep a few hundred dollars, on this Debit Card, in case it gets hacked.

A Note For Homeowners With Extreme Mortgage Stress

This is my personal opinion.
My personal opinion is not to be taken as financial advice.
Or, as a substitute for financial advice.

You could go home to your parents; share a house; or, move to a State Forest.
And, get a tenant for your house.

This way, you could get extra income from the rent.
And, your interest on your home-loan, as well as maintenance and repairs, could become tax-deductible.

You will probably need to officially change your residential address, on your driver’s license, for the Tax Office to give you a tax-deduction.

And, tell your money-lender, who might now classify your home-loan as an investment-loan.

As well as, tell your insurance company.

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Cow's Milk, Hen's Eggs, And Sheep's Wool

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs, And Wool

In my, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”, PDF:

And, Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online,"Humane, Sustainable, Healthy, Commercial Milk, Eggs, And Wool", which you can download free from:

I show how to produce Healthy Animal Products, such as Milk, Eggs, and Wool, Humanely and Sustainably.

More Healthy

Meta-analyses show that people who drink the most milk have the lowest IHD, strokes, diabetes, and all-cause rates.


Women, who consume the most dairy, also have the lowest breast cancer rates.


And, the lowest PMS rates.


More Humane

With hormonally-induced lactation, you do not have to get Cows pregnant, or to have Calves, to get Cows to produce milk.

With infra-red photography, you can sex-sort fertile eggs before incubation, instead of killing day-old Chicks after hatching.

More Food From The Same Land

You can produce more food sustainably, from the same area of land, with fewer inputs, by mixed animal-plant agriculture, than by 100% plant agriculture.

By, for example, with edible Fish, in irrigation dams; and, Sheep and Poultry, free-ranging in orchards, turning grass and weeds into wool and eggs.

Saving money and fossil fuel, on mowing, herbicides, and pesticides.


The Water Footprint for a litre of Orange Juice, 1018, is about the same as for a litre of Cow’s Milk, 1020.

But, by combining Poultry and Sheep with Orchards, you can reduce the Water Footprint, of eggs and wool, by up to another 95% to 99%.

Wool, unlike synthetic fibres, is also naturally and harmlessly biodegradable.

Methane - Green House Gasses

Rice produces about half as much methane as all animal agriculture combined.

Far more than Dairy-Cows, Poultry, Sheep, and Fish, combined.


The Biogenic Carbon Cycle

Unlike burning fossil fuels, where locked-up underground carbon is burned into the atmosphere, the carbon in the methane Cattle belch out, comes from the food they eat.

The plants the Cattle ate, grow back, by taking this carbon back from the atmosphere, in a continuous cycle, recycle, with no net increase in atmospheric carbon by Cattle.


Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.