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How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation

How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation “You have received without paying, so give withou...

Friday, December 30, 2022

What Did Jesus Really Say About Homosexuality

What Did Jesus Really Say About Homosexuality

In all four Gospels, Jesus never mentioned homosexuality.

But, Jesus did say a lot about kindness.

Which raises the questions.

Why do so many Christians obsess so much about homosexuality?

In such an unkind way?

You Will Be Judged As You Judge Other People

Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

Something for the poofter-bashers to think about!

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Jesus And The Biblical Head Of The Household

Jesus And The Biblical Head Of The Household

Who's The Boss? – Jesus and Leadership

You know that the rulers of the heathen have power over them, and the leaders have complete authority.”

This, however, is not the way it shall be among you.”

If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest.”

Jesus: Matthew 20:25-26

I do not think that many of the dog-trainers, I have met, will be going to heaven.

The Biblical Head Of The Household

So, if your husband wants to be 'the Biblical head of the household' – you could agree – show him the Matthew 20:25-26 fine print – snap your fingers – tell him to start serving!

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Circumcision Is Anti-Christian, Anti-Moses, Child Abuse

Circumcision Is Anti-Christian, Anti-Moses, Child Abuse

Jesus Said Circumcision Came From Men.

Moses Never Circumcised Anyone.

Paul Condemned Circumcision.

Moses Never Circumcised Anyone

Moses never circumcised anyone,“during the forty years people spent crossing the desert, none of the baby boys had been circumcised.”

Joshua 5:4-6


Circumcision is another man-made rule.

Jesus Said Circumcision Came From Men - Not Come From God

"Moses therefore gave you circumcision (not that it is from Moses, but from the fathers), and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses should not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath?”

John 7:22-23

Paul Condemned Circumcision

Paul made a very definite statement by writing, “Listen! I, Paul, tell you that if you allow yourselves to be circumcised it means that Christ is of no use to you at all.”

Galatians 5:2

And, “You are outside God’s grace.”

Galatians 5:4

*** Do Not Blame Yourself ***

*** If You Are Already Circumcised ***

But What If You Are Already Circumcised?

Jesus brought a New Covenant of Love of God – not fear of God.

So, do not blame yourself, if you are already circumcised, because, “If a circumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not try to remove the marks of circumcision; if an uncircumcised man has accepted God's call, he should not get circumcised. For whether or not a man has been circumcised means nothing; what matters is to obey God's commandments.”

1 Corinthians 7:18

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Monday, December 19, 2022

Goddess Christianity on Twitter and Facebook

Goddess Christianity on Twitter and Facebook

Goddess Christianity on Twitter.


Goddess Christianity on Facebook.


Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality



Jesus brought a New Covenant.

A Covenant of Love and Kindness.

Which replaced the punitive Old Testament Black-Letter Law of Moses, which was impossible to keep.

Which even the teachers of the Law did not keep the law.

Indeed, the teachers of the Law, used the Law to oppress people.

To put burdens on people that were heavy and hard to bear.

To make money out of people.

Jesus taught, a liberating theology, that people are the children of their creator.

Not the slaves of an abusive god.

Jesus taught, keeping the Spirit of the Law.



Jesus replaced, all that oppressive Black-Letter Law.

With the Spirit of the Law.

Which is.

Love your Creator.

Love other people.

Love yourself.

And, be kind to people.

Jesus did not want god-fearing, stone-throwing, obedience to Black Letter Law.

As Moses and Muhammad did.

Jesus abolished that Old Testament false idol-of-fear.

Along with animal sacrifice, stoning women to death, circumcision, ...

Replacing them all with love and kindness.

A true Deity-of-Love.

Unfortunately, many Christians, are still stuck in that Old Testament of Fear.

Calling themselves god-fearing.

And, not God-Loving.

Or, Goddess-Loving.

For god-fearing Christians it is as if Jesus never came.

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation

How Jesus Healed People, And How You Can Too, A Scientific Explanation

“You have received without paying,
so give without being paid.”

Matthew 10:8

You can Download the PDF from:

Jesus healed a lot of people, of physical and psychological illnesses, by using scientifically valid methods.

Such as:

1: the faith [placebo] effect;

2: the healing touch;

3: therapeutic massage;

4: simple remedies like poultices;

5: prayer and fasting.

And, Jesus wanted everyone, not just Christians, to use his healing methods.

People Who Are Not Christians

Jesus wanted other people, who were not his disciples, to be healed and to heal people.

Even to use his name to do it.

John spoke up, "Master, we saw a man driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop, because he doesn't belong to our group."
Luke 9:49

"Do not try to stop him," Jesus said to him and to the other disciples, "because whoever is not against you is for you."
Luke 9:50

A Scientific Explanation Of The Healing Miracles Of Jesus

Jesus first used the placebo effect.

Or, a simple remedy like the healing touch, massage, poultices.

And, if that did not work, then prayer and fasting.

The Placebo Faith Effect

If people are healed by their faith in a dummy, medical drug, then how much more so by their faith in a deity.

The Healing Touch

In the healing touch there is a transfer of energy.

"All the people tried to touch him, for the power was going out from him and healing them all."
Luke 6:19. See also Luke 9:43-4


The disciples, "rubbed olive-oil on many sick people and healed them."
Mark 6:13.

When The Placebo Effect Does Not Work

Prayer And Fasting

Jesus said, "there is no way of casting out such spirits as this except by prayer and fasting."
Matthew 17:21

Prayer to calm the soul.

Fasting to purify the body.

Prayer calms the soul and reduces stress which causes or makes diseases worse.

Fasting purifies the body of the toxins that cause most chronic and acute disease.

Deficiencies are the other major cause of disease.

Fasting cleans cholesterol out of your arteries, uric acid out of your arthritic joints, ...

Fasting also dulls pain.

And, prayer and fasting, like the placebo effect, works on everyone including atheists.

Warning - Before Fasting

Fasting could do you more harm than good.

People with diseases, such as diabetes, should be extremely careful, and seek advice from appropriate people.

If you have never fasted before, you could start off by skipping breakfast.

Then have some days when you only eat once.

That is 24 hour fasts.

Eventually, you could try a 2 or 3 day fast, once per month.

There is no need to do fasts any longer or any more often.

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

"So the Trinity created people, making them to be like themselves. The Trinity created them male and female."
Genesis 1:27.

For the Trinity to create people, male and female, just like themselves, there has to be at least one God, and at least one Goddess, in the Trinity.

So, in Genesis, Chapter 1:27, women and men are created equal.

Women are created in the image of a Goddess.

Men in the image of a God.

The Christian Trinity

Genesis 1:27 implies the Christian Trinity is Mother, Father, Son.

Goddess Holy Spirit, the Mother.

The Goddess of Wisdom and Reason.

God, the Father.

Jesus, the Son.

The Old Testament Is Written in Hebrew

So, in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is always referred to as she and her.

Jesus Spoke Aramaic

So, Jesus would always have referred to the Holy Spirit as she and her.

And, in at least 35 different Bible translations, including The King James Bible, Jesus refers to Wisdom, another name for The Holy Spirit, as her, in Matthew 11:19.

The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.”


The New Testament Was Written In Greek

The Greek word αὐτὸ (auto), in the original Greek text, can be translated as shehe, or it.

Yet, even though Jesus, spoke Hebrew and Aramaic, and so would always have referred to the Holy Spirit as she and her.
Every English Translation of the Bible, I have read, has translated the Greek word αὐτὸ (auto) as, he, or it.

Misogynist New Testament Bible Translators Misquoting Jesus

“Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
John 14:17, King James Bible

So, even though, Jesus, in his own language, would have been saying she.
And, the Greek word αὐτὸ (auto), in the original Greek text, can be translated as she.

Misogynist Bible Translators have Jesus referring to the Holy Spirit as hehim, or it.

That is, every Bible Translation, I have read, is misquoting Jesus.
As well as, misgendering the Holy Spirit.

Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female

You can download my, "Goddess Christianity - The Holy Spirit Is Female", PDF from:

My, “How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation”, PDF from:

My Free Ebook, to Download or Read Online, “How Jesus Healed People A Scientific Explanation”, from:

And, my Vegetarian Information Center PDFs from:

Including, “Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Commercial Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, And Hen’s Eggs; From Free-Range, Cattle, Sheep, And Poultry, Treated As Pets”.

And, "How To Be An Exvegan While Keeping Your Vegan Ideals".

Goddess Christianity PDFs

Goddess Christianity – The Holy Spirit Is Female

How Jesus Healed People – And How You Can Too – A Scientific Explanation

Housework For Men

Humane, Sustainable, Healthy Milk, Wool, And Eggs
No-Kill, Calves Naturally Weaned, Free-Range, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Poultry, Treated As Pets

Veganic Gardening

Saving Money Without Reducing Quality – Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality

Living Well Below The Poverty Line – Saving Money Without Reducing Quality